Thursday, July 27, 2006

Day 3: fog, heat, and poshness

The morning was foggy and cool. The sunrise was neat through the fog.

It didn't last too long though. Soon again it was blazing hot. Perhaps I can stop talking about the heat and just take it as read. OK.

When I got to Henry, IL I stopped at a friendly coffeeshop and drank an iced "german chocolate cake" coffee drink, and enjoyed the air conditioning.

Today I noticed that I've been averaging about 60 miles per day, and that even that has been tough. So I re-figured how long my trip to Denver might take based on all 60-mile days and including one day per week of rest. This added two weeks over my previous estimate with 100-mile days and no rest breaks. What was I thinking? Anyway, now I'm thinking I can be in Denver by August 26. Hopefully I'll speed up as my body gets stronger and I learn more about touring, and I'll have more time to hang out with friends in Denver.

Today I spent a lot of time riding through fields of corn and soybeans. In fact I think those are the only commercial crops I've seen so far. Apparently they need massive tractors to deal with this stuff. Here's one example.

So after last night's very small amount of uncomfortable sleep, I decided to get a hotel room tonight. One place listed on the Adventure Cycling map for Kewanee was "Aunt Suzy's Bed and Breakfast". Who can pass up a name like that? They put me in the "Victorian" suite. Not shown in the photo is the red velvet chaise lounge with a peacock-feather fan sitting on it. Wow, they thought of everything!


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