Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Picture backlog

My first accident! Oh no! Well, actually I just dropped the bike while going slowly down a steep gravel road. My butt fell the 1.5 feet from the seat to the ground, and my leg got this minor scrape. Hopefully that will be my worst injury during the trip!

This next photo shows my friend the freight train. There were 2 train tracks exactly that far away from my 5th night camp site. There was also a road crossing right there, so they would always blow their lovely horns and the bells would ring, even at 2am when I finally got up and started packing.

I think this place was night 4's campground. Right on the Mississippi river, grassy, with trees, tables, bathrooms, drinking water... it was great. Still too hot and humid to sleep well, but at least the campground was safe and pleasant. :)

This dude was Mike. He is riding from Washington State to his home in New Jersey. We talked for about an hour on the side of the road there in the sun, because we were going opposite directions and I don't think either of us was willing to give up ground to go find a nicer place to chat. Several car drivers stopped to make sure we were all right. :) Notice the corn.

This photo is from the campground with the train. It shows some typically amazing scenery.

I thought this last one was funny. I wonder if Don Knuth has this one on his page? Wow, I don't think he does! This was on the road leading to the campground I slept at on the 4th night. A very nice campground next to the Mississippi river (in which the road ended).


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