Saturday, August 26, 2006

Hangin' in Denver

Today is Saturday, and in a few hours I will have been in Denver for a whole week. After staying with Dale and family in Littleton for several days I've shifted the burden over to friends Jen and Scott in Aurora.

I have now eaten at Watercourse Foods three times - lunches Wednesday through Friday - and I still love it. I can choose from the whole menu, it's all vegetarian, yay! I also hung out at a nice coffee shop called Penn Street Perk for hours, caffienating and using their free wireless. Once I stopped by my old favorite art gallery, Walker Fine Art. I used to live a few blocks from them, and I would often stop by to look at the art. I really like the style of sculpture she shows there. Lots of abstract metal work. It always inspires me to go home and get welding. Ever since I first went in there I've hoped that I could one day either afford to buy something or have some of my own work shown there. I think I'm a lot closer to the former than the latter so far. Maybe I can take some classes at The Crucible once I get out to the bay area.

Today Paul arrives from Pasadena and hopefully tomorrow we'll ride off into the mounains together. His return flight (from Denver) is Monday plus a week, and at that point I'll be heading south towards Albuquerque and Socorro. It's nice hanging out with friends, but I am itchy to get back on the bike.

For those of you I told about my numb-toe problems, I have now bought a set of insoles from an orthotics store in Aurora. The guy who helped me was very nice and combined and arranged some off-the-shelf products to help keep my feet in a healthier position. The custom-molded option apparently takes 3 weeks, and I'll be done riding by then. Hopefully these do the trick.


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