Monday, August 14, 2006

To Ness City with new friends

Friends! Today I met Maggie and Dave, who are riding from New York City to San Francisco together. Pretty cool. We rode together for about 30 miles and are even now sharing a motel room. Dave had the idea to try and stay in the local volunteer fire department, something he's done before, but upon investigation there was no place to get a shower, so we decided to go with the hotel that I had a reservation at.

This is a photo of Dave's foot. Guess what kind of shoes he rides in?

Maggie and Dave are doing similar daily mileage to me, so maybe we'll ride together for a while.

They are both independently blogging their trips, so as soon as I get their blog URLs I'll post them on the "links" thingy on the sidebar. heh. friggin' bloggers. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool... it's always good to ride with someone for a while. Although I've found that cycling isn't the most social of activities, at least you can chat when you stop.


8:22 AM  
Blogger Dave said...

We've been pretty successful chatting while riding. There's not much traffic and not much other noise around, so it's even practical to talk when riding single-file.

6:04 PM  

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