Thursday, August 17, 2006

Welcome to Colorado!

We have made it into Colorado! It turns out that much of Eastern Colorado looks a lot like much of Westen Kansas, but I guess that is to be expected.

We ran into a group of 6 cyclists from Britain (luckily no one was hurt) at a defunct gas station in Sheridan Lake. They are going from San Francisco to New York City. They had lots of dire-sounding descriptions of what's ahead for Maggie and Dave when they cross Nevada.

We passed this amazing field of sunflowers today, and Maggie had to have a photo of herself in the infinite expanse of yellow. It was a pretty cool sight, all those flowers. From a distance it looked all shimmery from the heat, so it was a shimmering yellow field. Notice that they are all facing the same direction.

Later in Colorado the plantscape changed again. Now we are often surrounded by sagebrush. It's pretty and smells nice and reminds me more and more of New Mexico. The further West I go, the more I feel at home.

We are staying the night in Eads, Colorado. We ate lunch at a little restaurant painted all purple.

According to the waitress at the Purple People Eater-E, we are still in "Cattle Country" so no veggie burger yet. (I'm so close to Denver I can almost taste the yumminess of Watercourse Foods vegetarian restaurant.) Anyway, she was nice enough to indulge my odd request of a sub sandwich with all the vegetables plus kidney beans. The homemade bread was very nice, I must say.

Today we rode 58 miles, and there were no services available the whole way. It worked out just fine, had enough water and foodstuff. The only thing that bugged me was that later in the ride there were no places to stop and rest in the shade. Not a tree in sight for miles at a time. Perhaps it would have been worth setting up a tent? Eh, I suppose not.


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