Thursday, August 31, 2006

A pleasant evening in or near Silverthorne, CO

Hey all. Today Paul and I cycled from an odd little campground near Heeney, CO to the bustling interstate town of Silverthorne. I had kind of a tough time in the morning, no doubt largely because of the complete lack of coffee. Heeney has a nice bar, which was great last night, but it didn't open until 11am and we didn't want to wait that long to get our morning coffee. Then of course there was a 28-mile stretch without any coffee sellers. We did find one small snack/bait shop open, but no coffee. Turns out graham crackers and Hershey bars are not a sufficient substitute.

This afternoon and evening we spent riding along a LOVely bike path from Silverthorne/Dillon over to Frisco and back. In Frisco we had dinner at a brew-pub pizza place, which was excellent. Really restored my faith in food. I'd been eating too many cheese/tortilla or peanut butter/tortilla things lately, and they just are not good any more.


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