Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The end of the Katy

As you can see in this picture, the scenery around the trail has changed considerably from the forested riverbank. This was the high point of the trail, altitude-wise. Otherwise, I would say using my laptop on a bench on the banks of the Missouri river and getting a cell phone call at the same time was the high point of the trail. :)

Oh yeah, that reminds me. The cell call was my "move coordinator" person calling to ask about what kind of apartment I'm looking to rent for when I start working at Google in Mountain View. During the course of the conversation I mentioned my sunburned lower lip and she suggested that I invent a little visor for my lip to prevent such. I liked the idea very much and said I'd put it in my blog. So there you go: "lip visor". Heh.

I wonder if a moustache counts? Hmm, it would have to be awfully bushy to work.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

For some reason, this makes me picture a B-rated science fiction film where there's some apparatus covering an "alien's" lower jaw.

Or you could get one of those moutain biking helments with the chin guards. Either way you're guaranteed to look like a crazy man ;-)

However, you won't have a sunburned lip... so it's probably worth it.

7:43 PM  

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