Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Yet another day on the Katy

This next day was pretty uneventful. My second full day on the Katy. It is extremely nice to be totally protected from traffic, and also to have lots of shade from trees growing only a few feet from the path. On the other hand, it's not paved, and it does not go through any big towns. So you go a bit slow and you don't ever get any city amenities like traffic jams. Or something.

The trail crossed the Missouri River and headed Southwest. Out in the farmland, I saw this interesting silo building. Looks like it was made of some kind of ceramic blocks.

In one of the towns along the way was a caboose from the MKT railroad. Apparently cabooses have fallen out of favor now that we have technology to replace actual humans at the back end of trains.

I also saw this remnant of signalling equipment along the trail. If you look close, you can see right through the places where the lights used to be.

I saw later that the Katy was converted from a railroad to a trail simply by covering the tracks with gravel. Near the end of the trail, the trail left the tracks, and they just emerged unscathed from beneath the trail material and veered off. Funny, I thought they would have salvaged the tracks or ties or something.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave, wow!

What a great trip. You are doing something I have always dreamed about doing...except I want to bike coast to coast. I am interested in how you planned the trip etc.

Best wishes, be safe...i.e. don't get run over by any houses.

--Rick Yoder

12:48 PM  

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